
This data shows 6 types of information, along the x-axis, shows the data from the U.S. census. This data reflects the median incomes, levels of education, and poverty levels of various states. Along the y-axis, shows the data from the center of disease control (CDC), which is a database consisting of surveys of american households. The data was filtered according to topic and specific questions; 'Have you ever been told you have a form of depression?', 'Do you have any healthcare coverage?', and 'How is your overall health?'. The first two are binary answers, in which a percentage of the total is calculated per state. The latter, only health levels 'fair' and 'poor' are calculated as a percentage of the overall survey.

As you can see, there is a correlation between overall health and poverty levels, with an R-square of .90. What does this mean? There are many possible meanings behind this, one could surmise that one's perception of health is related to societal status. Where someone living at the poverty level, perceives that their health is below average because they intertwine poverty and health statuses.

Another explaination can be that these people really are sick and that is a contributing factor to their socioeconomic status. Which is also a plausable conclusion, given that the impact on one's ability to keep a job requires that they be well and be able to function at work.

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